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Monday, October 8, 2007

To All the Men I've Loved Before

Photo by Chance Agrella
I got one of those nasty 'your voicemail box is full ' messages today, so I took some time and went through the plethora of voicemail messages I had.


I had messages dating clear back to July and I couldn't believe the creativity, kindness, and sexiness exuded in so many of them.


These messages included singing, funny fake accents, clever references to something unique to us or to my voice mail messages, jokes, compliments, and just downright sexy flirtatious talk (nothing R-rated).

I listened to these messages and I found myself laughing . . .and so very touched. I re-saved some of them, even though a few of those were from men who are no longer in my life. The creativity, kindness, and humor was just too precious to erase.

I guess it could be bittersweet; but I find myself just incredibly amazed at how blessed I have been, at some point in time, to have had the attention and affection of each of these amazingly charming men.

So, in the spirit of showing my appreciation to these men; and to all men who do those sweet, funny, sexy, tender little things in order to please, tease, love, and intoxicate us ladies, I offer the music video tribute below.

Thank you for being so awesome!


video courtesy of youtube user privatedancer74

To hear a better version of the song, click HERE

Like what I wrote and want to buy me a cherry coke?

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