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Friday, December 7, 2007

Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage

I read this review on Meridian Magazine's website, and I can't wait to get the book. The very principles and concepts I have been discovering along my own journey, and more, appear to be addressed in this book by H. Wallace Goddard.

Part of Maurine Proctor's review reads:
It is simply the best book on marriage that I have ever read, and I will always count it as a treasure in our library.

Though having a sweet companionship in marriage seems to be a universal dream, the world is fleeing from marriage in a sad resignation that the dream is sometimes hard to execute. Realizing the awesome power of married love and moving to live in oneness with another person requires not just good psychological principles or commonsense generalities that don't tell us much (like “communicate with each other”).

No, the joy that we hope to find in our marriages comes back to understanding some core principles and true solutions found in focusing on Christ, ideas that Goddard outlines with clarity.

“We will only succeed at marriage as we use eternal gospel principles to become more of what God has invited us to become,” he affirms.

I'll write more on this (my own review) after I get it and read it. I think the concepts in this book could be helpful in dating and seeking a mate, as well, if I am understanding the review correctly.

In the meanwhile, if you have read it, please leave some input here as to your thoughts about the book and the concepts it teaches.

If you have not read it yet but plan to, what do you hope to learn from it? What questions do you hope to have answered by information contained in the book?

NOTE: Meridian Magazine offers the opportunity to order this book for $16 with shipping charges as low as $3.75 (shipped via Media Mail) through their website:

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