A sweet lady on another site commented that she didn't get what the big deal was about kissing - she thought it was gross.
It got me thinking about my own views on kissing and how they have changed over the years. My pre-marriage philosophy on kissing is quite different from my post-divorce views.
I think kissing being gross depends on who you are kissing and why.
I didn't date until about 8 or 9 months after my divorce was final in 2002. I think I had been divorced a year or two before I finally let a man kiss me.
In my youth, I was not quite as selective about kissing partners as I am now. I can count the number of men I have kissed since my divorce on the fingers of one hand, and I am happy about that.
Its not for everyone, but I find personal peace and joy in being selective and in treating kisses as something personal and special. I won't kiss just anyone, so anyone getting a kiss from me knows it means something and that I am genuinely interested in him.
He also will know that his lips will be the only ones exploring mine. I don't kiss more than one man in the same time period. I have to stop dating one man (the one I am smoochin') before I will kiss another one. I am a monogamous kisser.
For me, when kisses are exchanged as a means of expressing genuine interest, affection, and in monogamy - they are wonderful.
For me, anything else is kinda gross.
How do YOU feel about kissing; and in what ways, if any, has this view changed over the years?
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