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Monday, March 31, 2008
Make Over Yourself and Your Life - Website Launch April 1, 2008
Dianne Hanks has given free outer makeover advice to people on the site before, but in her own life she has been busy working on outer and inner make overs. She has decided to take what she has learned and share it with others - men and women.
On April 1, 2008 she is launching a new website: Many professionals from a plethora of different areas are on board to help people makeover themselves, and their life, inside and out.
I have always been impressed with Dianne's inner beauty, and there is no question about how much her outer beauty shines. The more I looked into this, the more excited I became about finding out more. I think there is something for everyone in what she is offering.
Watch Dianne's Video About MakeOverSession.Com:
The list of participating experts and the fields they cover is staggering:
Lorin Roche - Meditation
Grant Adams - Online Dating for Men
Glenda Feilen - Nutrition
Richard DeAndrea - Holistic Cleansing
Dr. Stephen West - Lymphology
Shea Schneider - Wardrobe
Bart Baggett - Handwriting
Talya Meldy - Colon Hydrotherapy
Brooks Palmer - Clutterbusting
Habib Sadeghi - Holistic Health
Marie Diamond - Feng Shui/Home Energy
Brian Chang - Drinking Water
Cynthia Kiktavi - Landscaping
Dodie Sy - Floral Couture
Greg Brown - Skin Rejuvenation
Jaxson Rodriguez - Car Makeovers
Jesse YBarra - Hair
Jimi Mathis - Taxes
John F. Shega - Plastic Surgery
K.C. Lug - Wellness
Karol Kuhn Truman - Feelings Healings
Lindy Beverly - Cosmetic Dentistry
Mary Ellen Simmons - Humanitarianism
Maureen Tepedino - Art and Walls
Mike Peterson - Money
Paul Devine - Physique
Paulette Sadler - Hair Removal
Todd Ehrler - Orthodontistry
Tony Marren - Philanthropy
(the site states 'and more')
And yes, that photo and letter on the website to Dianne from 'Dani, UT' is me/mine. I really do believe in and support what she is doing.
For more information:
The Website -
Tv Clip - Makeover Session with Dianne Hanks
Videos - Tips from Dianne
Be sure to check it out! Please comment here and there and let us know what you think.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Looks-Focused Men Avenged!

According to two different studies, men who marry women who are better looking than they are report being more happy with their marriage - AND, being in a happy marriage reduces your blood pressure.
So, men with high blood pressure - be sure to find yourself a woman who is better lookin' than you. ;-)
Ladies, don't take offense - look at it as a gift of kindness to help them reduce their blood pressure. ;-)
From BYU: Happy Marriage = Lower Blood Pressure
From Journal of Family Psychology: Happiness Created by Pairing of Ugly Men and Beautiful Women
Here is a video clip with a debate about one of these studies, and more regarding men, women, and relationships. Nothing gets resolved, but it is a great illustration of some of the attitudes in the world. In the comments section, be sure to leave feedback about the debate in this video - do you agree with either viewpoint?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
For the Love of a Woman

Two video links today regarding how men love women.
The first is a sad tale regarding a divorcing man so heartbroken that he is now putting 'his whole life' up for sale on Ebay. His 'whole life' comprises all of his belongings from their shared life, associations with his friends, and possible jobs for the purchaser. To view this short clip, please click HERE.
The second video clip is a much more positive one. A man is celebrating his love for his wife in an amazing and inspiring way. Through creating his tribute, he has developed new talents, pulled himself out of depression, and honors God - which he plans on sharing with others. To view this touching video clip, please click HERE.
What do YOU think about the two videos?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Discouragement in the Dating World

This is a really difficult post for me to write because it touches on so many tender spots and I am not known for diplomacy skills. It is being written because of events which I have experienced, witnessed, and have been a listening ear in regards to.
Something that is being seen over and over in the dating world of LDS Singles is inordinate amounts of childishness, pettiness, and general disgraceful behavior. It is astonishing to me the lengths to which people will go in order to just catch someone's eye or get a date. No low seems to be too low any more.
Expectations have become totally unrealistic, and rather than address a need to strive towards perfection in one's own self, the demand is that the other person be perfect . . . and perfectly matched with the cardboard cutout image that has been created - even if it means forcing those 'standards' upon them.
Continually there are debates in regards to standards of moral behavior with criticisms routinely being placed upon the leadership and upon members who choose to live high standards of conduct. It is appalling to me to see and experience members of the church treating one another in this manner - and especially in regards to what are basic tenants of our faith that those who are baptized and endowed members vow to adhere to.
Divorced males leave the church in droves, and divorced females are more and more frequently resigning themselves to the hope that maybe in the millennium they will be able to marry 'a good man'. Both genders are making new people in their life pay for the 'crimes' they believe the former ones committed against them, and more and more common are 'casual dating', 'NCMO', and 'friends with benefits' (lds-style).
What is a single person who is trying to live gospel standards supposed to do? It is heart-breaking, it is frustrating, and it is becoming more and more discouraging.
So, aside from the general, 'have faith, pray, trust in the Lords timing, and keep trying' advice, what things do YOU do to deal with a dating world that is becoming less and less appealing?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Ladies: Getting the Love You Want CHALLENGE
I found these great articles online and decided to conduct a challenge with them. Worst case scenario, we might each learn a few things about ourselves and have some fun along the way.
So, to take part in this challenge the only things you have to do are the following 4 things:
1- Read all of the articles listed below. Then read them again carefully, taking note of the advice and how to implement it into your life.
2- Use the advice religiously for at least 30 days.
3-Keep a journal or log of your experiences and what you learn along the way.
4- Come back here and share a summary .
Ready - set - GO!
#1: Matchmaker's Dos and Donts
Sexual Incompatibility
I read this article on CNN about sexual incompatibility creating conflict in marriages. I found it interesting for several reasons.
First, it is something discussed in the LDS (Divorced) Singles community - not wanting a repeat of bad sexual experiences in a previous marriage. While we generally view sexual intimacy between marital partners as important, we also acknowledge it is not the most important or only aspect of a happy healthy marriage.
Second, in the article it was noted that "People choose partners who have the right resume but maybe not the entire package." (Dr Laura Berman - Sex Therapist and Relationship Expert, Chicago)
One of my favorite quotes in the article is from marriage counselor and sex therapist, Marty Klein, ""People have the assumption that you can have long-term, monogamous, hot sex. It's never been done (on a large scale) in the history of the world."
In the LDS Singles world, due to our values, it is a difficult thing for many to discuss outside of marriage without feeling like they are crossing some kind of decency or morality line. This seems to carry over into married life - people having difficulty having clear and honest discussions about sex.
My understanding and belief is that it is possible and advisable to have morally-clean discussions about sexual issues prior to marriage and prior to serious commitment (you marry who you date). I believe the topic can be openly and tactfully discussed without crossing any inappropriate lines.
How do YOU feel about discussing sexual matters prior to marriage? When do YOU feel is the right time and what do YOU feel are 'appropriate' topics to cover?