Today is February 29, 2008 and as the 'extra day' we get each leap year, it is also known as 'Sadie Hawkins Day'. There are various stories about what Sadies Hawkins Day truly entails, but the basic gist is that on this day, ladies take the lead and do the proposing - or in modern times - ask the guy to a dance or on a date.
On a singles/dating website of which I am a member, I posted a 'challenge' for men and women to 'sign up' to play on Sadies Hawkins Day by (ladies) asking a man out - no strings attached; or by (men) agreeing to go on such a date. I then posted a date offer - my treat (I was setting the example and stepping up - putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak). When it comes to dating, I am the askee not the asker, so this was something different for me, but I thought it would be fun to try on a new hat for a day.
Many on the site whine and complain about never getting asked out and sitting home alone weekend after weekend. So, for this challenge, how many men and women do you think jumped at the chance? Counting me, there were about 5.
This is not the first time I have started a challenge of some type to get people actually doing something, and the results are typical. This begs the question, "Why complain and moan and whine but not do anything to change it?" Because changing it requires stepping outside of the box/comfort zone and that is a really scary thing to do for most people.
So, while I go out and have a great time on Sadies Hawkins Day, many others will sit home fretting over the lost chance and being alone yet another Friday night - when they didn't have to be.
What a crying shame. (seriously)
What are YOU doing for Sadie Hawkins Day, and what are YOU doing to change something in your situation?